4 Effective Ways to Reduce Cat Dander Allergy

Sidra Iqbal
4 min readFeb 26, 2022


Who minds playing with white, fluffy cats? According to research, 50% of people keep cats to lessen their stress. If you own a pet, you can experience any reaction from mild sniffling to severe wheezing because of dander (dead skin flakes). Fur, saliva, and even urine add to the allergens. Cat furs often catch pollen and dust allergies and bring them into your home.

Many people treat cats like family members and don’t want to break this beautiful bond. If you are facing the same dilemma, don’t worry. You can live with cats by managing the allergy instead of removing them from home. One good way is to use a nose spray to avoid itching.

Do you want to know more? Let’s have a look at these self-care ideas to get rid of dander allergies.

Use of High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Purifiers:

Cats are a popular choice, and you can keep them clean of dander with appropriate care. HEPA purifiers are best for removing pet skin flecks and mites. Dander not only builds upon the fabrics, rugs, pillows, bedsheets, and carpets but also in the surrounding air.

Keep air purifiers in the area you spend most of your time. Frequent vacuuming also helps mitigate the symptoms. On the contrary, if symptoms get worse, you will have to get allergy shots to desensitize your skin.

2. Bath Your Cat Once a Week:

Cats can groom themselves, yet a bath once a week is necessary for those who can’t. It is favorable to keep their skin and coat free of dead cells. Bathing them moderates the allergens and irritants. For this purpose, choose a good shampoo, comb, and other products.

To maintain hygiene, bath your pets outdoors in some garage or back garden. Bathing them inside the home can cause the allergens to spread rapidly. However, you can always hire a professional if you are prone to dander allergies.

3. Get a Shower or Wash Your Face:

Cats can carry pollen and mites inside your home, on their furs. Often, dander gets collected on your clothes, or hair as it is sticky and gets absorbed in skin pores. One exemplary caution you can take is to wash your hands and face properly with soap and water.

After hugging them, change your clothes to shed the allergen away. Better to wear a mask before coming into contact. Combing them regularly and moisturizing their fur also lessens the allergen in your home. Replacing fabric toys with washable plastic ones is also an effective measure to reduce the ratio of allergens.

4. Limit Pet’s Access to Your Bedroom:

A study reveals that bug density is significantly higher in houses with the number of dogs and cats per house. Although you might love your cat dearly and that’s perfectly fine. Keeping your cats outside the bedrooms is an adequate step to maintain hygiene.

This way, you can stop the dander from prevailing rapidly, which flares up your allergy symptoms. Keeping them on wood flooring instead of carpets is safe and easy to clean. Try to wash curtains, couch covers, cat-beds, and mats regularly.

Wrapping Up:

To suffer an allergy is not a joke, but you can control it by limiting the exposure to the allergens appropriately. Dander can pile up in any type of pet having fur. How can you reduce the sensitivity then? Yes, by devising a good strategy and keeping the bedding area clean.

This way you can spend a gleeful time living with your cat. However, as a loving owner, you can seek veterinary care at any time to avoid chronic allergies.

